Sound Bites

What got you here may not get you there…

with Deidre Paknad, WorkBoard CEO

The tried-and-true management models that drove your success for the last two decades may not get you where you want to go in the next 5 years.

In a world of continuous change, how you create advantage shifts to:

  • Adaption and learning instead of consistent execution
  • Iterative strategy instead of linear analysis and plan
  • Driving outcomes instead of reporting end of period results
  • Dynamic, fluid organizations instead of hierarchy
  • Transparency because everyone is adapting to change rather than consistently executing the same way they always have
  • Generative AI, data and a digital strategy execution platform instead of more meetings and more slides

To thrive and scale in a world of constant change, the blunt instruments of slides and meetings don’t provide you the scale you need to succeed. Generative AI and the automation and data that a digital approach to strategy execution affords are the keys to scale, speed, and efficiency now.