Sound Bites

Short Takes
on Big Ideas

with Deidre Paknad, WorkBoard CEO

Does Your Management Operating Model Drive Achievement of the Strategy?

Does Your Management Operating Model Drive Achievement of the Strategy?

Your management model — and the annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily rituals you put around it — should ensure alignment and accountability for strategic outcomes.

Don't Be Afraid of Alignment and Accountability – They're Gifts!

Don't Be Afraid of Alignment and Accountability – They're Gifts!

Hesitate to talk about alignment and accountability because it sounds "harsh"? The absence of alignment is work without purpose and the absence of accountability is apathy – ugh! Hear why they're so important and how to frame the subject in this sound bite.

Manager Effectiveness:
Are your managers equipped to execute strategy today?

Manager Effectiveness: Are your managers equipped to execute strategy today?

Your CEO wants a performance culture, but are your managers prepared to be effective in a super dynamic world? Hear what’s changed and the signs that your managers may not be prepared to succeed.

What About the Data?

What About the Data?

In order to drive effective strategy execution, the organization's data must be low cost, fully accessible, readily used and frequently discussed - none of which is possible with a slide-based management model.

Iterative Strategy Execution is the Soul of Company Performance and People's Experience

Strategy Execution is the Soul of Company Performance and People's Experience

Organizations can't achieve their strategies without people's engagement and participation, and people can't have a fulfilling work experience if they aren't contributing to the organization's strategy.

Strategy Execution is Much Harder Now

Strategy Execution is Much Harder Now

The tried-and-true management models that drove your success for the last two decades may not get you where you want to go in the next 5 years.

Doing OKRs Doesn't Lead to Success. Focus Does.

Doing OKRs Doesn't Lead to Success. Focus Does.

When we spend our time and apply our effort to the results we aligned on, then we achieve those results.

How Fast is Your Operating Rhythm?

How Fast is Your Operating Rhythm?

The traditional operating rhythm fueled by people-intensive meetings and slide decks can no longer meet the needs of today's competitive market. Learn how a Digital Operating Rhythm helps your organization accelerate strategy execution and make the most of the resources that you have.

OKRs in the Operating Rhythm

OKRs in the Operating Rhythm

OKRs are a part of the business operating rhythm. Learn how they fit into the rhythm of the business as a key to accelerating strategy achievement.

The Future of Work

Faster Growth Requires Faster Forward Movement

As you implement OKRs, here are three things to consider as you think about how far and deep in your organization you'll drive alignment, how much transparency you really need, and of course, how fast you need it.

The Future of Work

Build from Your New Set Point

We are at an epic junction: The future of leadership and the future of work. There is a tremendous opportunity for your organization to capture and carry its gains from 2020 forward.

The Future of Work

The Future of Work

An overview of the leadership shifts that can help you take the organization forward and upward.

Focus on Outcomes, Not Output

Focus on Outcomes, Not Output

A good OKR process shifts the organization from an output to an Outcome Mindset™.

Unlocking the Power of Teams with OKRs

Unlocking the Power of Teams with OKRs

Do you have a framework for your teams to achieve their best?

You Can't Grow Fast if You Manage Slow

You Can't Grow Fast if You Manage Slow

Navigating the shift from slow activity management to fast results management.

Focus is the Key to Great Results

Focus is the Key to Great Results

Teams that are dialed in to their OKRs on a weekly basis achieve great results in just two quarters.

The Meeting Trap: All Talk, No Action

The Meeting Trap: All Talk, No Action

Video meetings alone really can't drive the business resilience and results that we need. To thrive now, people's work, results and the data about them need to be asynchronous, autonomous, automated, and accelerated.

Real Alignment and Accountability

Real Alignment and Accountability

Getting everyone aligned on the plan and driving a high degree of accountability in the organization are the most powerful internal growth levers that you have.

Alignment and Accountability Aren't Bad Words

Alignment and Accountability Aren't Bad Words

By helping you inspire alignment and empower accountability, OKRs help get you what you need as a leader and what your people need to do their best work.

Slow Alignment, Fast Market

Slow Alignment, Fast Market

If no one knows what your growth plan is, you aren't going to achieve it fast. Learn how the decay rate of understanding of the company's strategic priorities adversely affects the growth rate.

Achieving OKRs

Achieving OKRs

WorkBoard CEO Deidre Paknad shares best practices for achieving strategic priorities and driving smarter growth.

Calibrating on Key Results

Calibrating on Key Results

Rather than asking the team to "update key results" each week, ask them to calibrate on progress and use that to drive smart decisions about how they spend their time.

Lookback & Learn from Quarterly OKRs

Lookback & Learn from Quarterly OKRs

Get best practices for achieving greater results on your team's OKRs quarter over quarter.

Assessing Your Growth Drag

Assessing Your Growth Drag

Hear the 3 internal causes of growth drag and how to remove them.

Reduce the barriers to great strategy execution with WorkBoard and GenAI

Get Started with WorkBoard GenAI

Get Started with WorkBoard GenAI

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